Aloe Vera is not only a staple in my cupboard, I decided to invest in growing an Aloe Vera plant to get the freshest version possible! There are various differing versions of Aloe Vera gel products out there and not all are the same. You may have different reasons for using Aloe Vera gel but despite that, you’ll want to be sure that you are using the purest version available by verifying the ingredients!

Antibacterial and Antioxidant
Aloe Vera is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. This is part of the reason why it helps to heal wounds and treat skin issues such as sunburn, eczema and acne

Improves Skin and Prevents Wrinkles
As Aloe Vera contains 98% water, it helps to moisturise and hydrate the skin. Combining this with Aloe Vera’s support of the production and release of collagen and hyaluronic acid, wrinkles will look less noticeable too. 

Encourages Hair Growth
Not only is Aloe Vera good for the skin, but using it on the scalp and hair will nourish and lubricate the hair shaft, improving the overall appearance, health and durability of the hair shaft and reducing dandruff. 

If you are like me, have invested in a plant and want to use the pulp straight from leaves, here is how to extract the pulp. Do note that Aloe Vera plants do take a significant amount of time to grow so do not over harvest the leaves:

  1. Cut the leaf closest to the base of the plant

  2. You may notice a yellow sap oozing from the leaf. This is called Aloin and is pungent and bitter. This is the part of the plant which is known for its laxative effects. 

  3. Allow the Aloin to drip from the leaf for about 1 hour

  4. Remove the leaf’s skin with a sharp knife and scrape out the pulp with a spoon. 

  5. Rinse the pulp if necessary, and the pulp, the aloe vera gel, is now ready for use. 

  6. Any left over gel can be refrigerated for about 10 days in an air tight container. 

If you don’t have a plant and don’t want a plant, but still want to use the most natural version of Aloe Vera gel product available, these are products that come recommended:

Seven Minerals Aloe Vera Gel:
This is my go to favourite whilst allowing my plant to grow. It is harvested from freshly cut aloe leaves and absorbs rapidly with no greasy residue. 99% organic Aloe Vera.

Aloe Vera Gel by Anica:
Cold pressed Aloe Vera gel containing only natural ingredients

Amara Organics Aloe Vera Gel:
Aloe Vera gel from organic cold pressed aloes. 99.75% pure Aloe Vera.

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